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2024 U.S. Native Plants & their Pollinators calendar by Cambridge, MA based artist Daisy Hebb of Green Blossom Painting.

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  • 8.5"x11" monthly planner - bound on the side like a book. 
  • 8.5"x22" wall-hanging one 


From Daisy: "12 Watercolor images of native flowers and their pollinators, all native to North America pre colonization, bring excitement and a ray of color to each month. Specialist and generalist pollinators are represented as are a mix of common and threatened species. Special thanks to native bee specialist, Spencer Hardy of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE), for his expert advice about bees and their host plants. VCE receives a portion of the proceeds of this sale for their conservation work in both North & South America.


"There are plenty of tips for the budding gardener: basics on when to plant seeds, tips on mulching, and other practices that give beginning gardeners a strategic start in the practice of gardening with techniques, like keeping a garden journal, that will serve them for years.


"These calendars make excellent gifts, brightening each month, and are fun for any budding naturalists/gardeners. They're a source of inspiration for artists too.


"Hear me speak about the three calendar series on YouTube."

Green Blossom Painting
Made in New England (USA)
Every effort has been made to make this a zero waste purchase.


Shipped by Green Blossom Painting, Cambridge, MA.

2024 Calendar: Native Plants & their Pollinators

coming soon
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