Join our 6-month Plant-of-the-month Club! Click HERE to pre-order.
C.S.A. stands for Community Supported Agriculture. C.S.A.s helps farmers (technically what we are!) buy pots, soil, etc during times when funds are not coming in. And then for 6 months, May-October, we will supply you with a New England native plant that is spectacular in that month, and with it information about that plant*.
NEW for 2024. Select "SUN" plant-of-the-month-club or "SHADE" plant-of-the-month-club!
*Each month you will receive an email with information and pick up notification. In addition to receiving plant information by email we will also post information BELOW in case our emails don’t make it past your spam folder.
May (link coming soon)
June (link coming soon)
July (link coming soon)
August (link coming soon)
September (link coming soon)
October (link coming soon)