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Sambucus nigra/canadensis

American black elderberry, well known in the herbal medicine world, is an excellent example of a mutually beneficial specimen for a backyard habitat. The medium height and vigorous branching growth make this ideal as a privacy screen, and the pollinators will appreciate the nectar available in the bountiful white flower clusters which bloom mid-summer.


The dark blue-black berries are a huge draw for birds as well as humans! In fact, there are many ways humans can use Elderberry, from steeping the blossoms into tea and tinctures, to transforming the berries into jams, jellies, and herbal syrups, thought to be a remedy for the common cold and flu.


While individual Elderberry shrubs are relatively short-lived, new shrubs are readily formed from the suckering roots. The dead stems and branches of S. nigra/canadensis are used by cavity nesting bees. From Xerces Society: "Cavity nesting bees find an existing tunnel in the form of a hole in dead wood or the hollow stems of certain plants. They create brood chambers starting at the back of the tunnel and working their way to the front, sealing each chamber as they go with mud or bits of plant material. Cavity nesting bees will make nests in the dried stems and twigs from previous years’ growth of raspberries, Joe Pye weed and Sambucus (spp)".


Use: The cooked fruit is edible and can be used in pancakes, baked goods, and jam. Well know for elderberry syrup!


photo 1 courtesy of Dan Wilder


Plants can be purchased in-person or online (with in-person pick-up).

All online orders will be ready for pick-up 24-72 hours after purchase. You will receive an email to let you know when your order is ready. We kindly ask that you pick-up any orders within one week of purchase. 

Sambucus nigra/canadensis (Black elderberry)

coming soon
  • type: shrub
    sun needs: full sun, part sun/part shade
    water needs: Moist, wet, to average soil
    height: 6-12'
    plant spacing: space 3'-5' apart
    bloom time: June, July, August
    bloom color: white
  • edible parts: The cooked fruit is edible and can be used in pancakes, baked goods, and jam. Well know for elderberry syrup.
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