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From Green Blossom Painting


"Comfortable organic cotton cap. Adjustable in the back so one size fits most. It fits medium-small, medium, and large heads best, in my personal opinion.They feature original designs from my nature-based watercolors, featuring the blueberry cellophane bee, Colletes validus, on the blueberry bush and the monarch, Danaus plexippus, on common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. This bee is a specialist of the low bush blueberry. It digs tunnels in the soft sand at the bush's base and it's an expert pollinator of the blossoms. The monarch caterpillar is a specialist of milkweed. Milkweed are considered the only plant the monarch caterpillar eats (though there are a few others in 'emergency' situations)."

Bumblebee hat

coming soon

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