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Aronia melanocarpa

If you are looking for a one-for-one replacement for burning bush, look no further! Actually, this is better than one-for-one, because it is NATIVE!


Black chokeberry is a woody shrub that can do well in just about any location short of deep shade. Able to handle wet feet as well as being drought tolerant, it is hard to think of a spot that it wouldn’t work.


The fall color on this will make you forget about burning bush, and the birds will certainly thank you for the deep purple berries (which are edible fresh but very astringent). These are low-maintenance shrubs and could be allowed to spread, or could easily be used in a more formal garden and kept in check by removing the suckers.


Fun fact: Aronia melanocarpa berries are one of the richest sources of plant antioxidants. Due to their astringency (thus the common name), the are tastiest in juices, jams, syrups, teas, and baked into muffins and pies. The berries supply: fiber, folate, manganese, iron, vitamins A, C, and E.  For more information, click here.


Plants can be purchased in-person or online (with in-person pick-up).

All online orders will be ready for pick-up 24-72 hours after purchase. You will receive an email to let you know when your order is ready. We kindly ask that you pick-up any orders within one week of purchase. 


Photo 1 courtesy of Dan Wilder

Aronia melanocarpa (Black chokeberry)

coming soon
  • type: shrub
    sun needs: full sun, part sun/part shade
    water needs: average, moist, wet
    height: 3-6'
    plant spacing: 5' distance
    bloom time: May
    bloom color: white
  • edible parts: fruit. The berries are are astringent tasting when raw but delicious when cooked, baked, juiced, or added to purees. A great source of antioxidants.
    salt tolerant. Some salt exposure should not be fatal to the plant but some leaf burning may still occur.
    deer resistant (please note that does not mean deer proof)
    Great fall leaf color.

    Supports at-risk insects:


    Host plant for Hessel’s Hairstreak (Callophrys hesseli)


    Host plant for the Precious Underwing Moth (Catocala pretiosa)