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Anemone virginiana

Tall anemone is a lovely, long-blooming perennial that is perfect for woodland edges. This wildflower generally grows to around 2 feet tall (although the ones we had at the nursery reached nearly 3 feet this year!) and have bright white flowers that attract many of our winged friends.


Although this particular plant is labeled “aggressive”, don’t let that put you off. Pair it with other aggressive natives and let them keep each other in check, all while (hopefully) overcoming non-native invasive plants such as garlic mustard. Anemone virginiana is another one of those excellent native plants that can easily handle a variety of sun/shade areas, and well-drained to sandy soils.


The seed heads of Anemone virginiana are nearly as lovely as the flowers, earning the nickname “thimbleweed” from the thimble-shaped appearance of the dried seed heads. Harvest when the heads are dark tan/brown, but before the seeds disperse. Placing some mesh bags over the seed heads will be helpful. The seeds can be stratified in the refrigerator in moistened sand, or do as Mother Nature does and sow them in the ground in the fall, allowing the winter temperatures to do the work.


Plants can be purchased in-person or online (with in-person pick-up).

All online orders will be ready for pick-up 24-72 hours after purchase. You will receive an email to let you know when your order is ready. We kindly ask that you pick-up any orders within one week of purchase. 

Anemone virginiana (Tall anemone)

coming soon
  • type: herbaceous perennial
    sun needs: part sun/part shade
    water needs: average to dry
    height: 2-3'
    plant spacing: 1/sq ft
    bloom time: June, July, August
    bloom color: white