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seeds: Monarda fistulosa (Bee balm)


Seed information


Seed sowing instructions

  • A: Seed should germinate when sown in a warm location. 
  • You can find more information about how to sow native seeds HERE.


Includes a brochure with instructions on how to sow native seeds.


Plant information


Of all those in the Monarda family, this one is a personal favorite (Kristen’s choice!).  A moderately tall growing (2.5-4’) perennial, beebalm or wild bergamot has the most delicious scent, and provides both lovely color and texture in many styles of garden.


While Wild Bergamot is a favorite of butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, it has multiple uses for humans as well. Native People used the leaves and oils for poultices and made tea from the leaves to soothe headaches and indigestion.


M.fistulosa is a long-blooming plant, but be sure to allow for adequate room between plants in order to avoid crowding, as it is susceptible to powdery mildew.

seeds: Monarda fistulosa (Bee balm)

coming soon
  • packet 150 seeds
    stratification code


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