Vaccinium angustifolium
Lowbush blueberry
Do yourself (and the birds) a favor and plant several of these amazing bushes. V. angustifolium has so many things going for it. In addition to being a provider of delicious blueberries, its delicate pink-white bell-shaped flowers are a welcome springtime sight.
Lowbush blueberry gives brilliant orange color in the fall and Vaccinium species (blueberries and cranberries) support around 300 butterfly and moth species, including the at-risk Half-Black Bumble Bee (Bombus vagans).
We can't say enough about this fantastic plant. Lowbush blueberry grows up to 2 feet tall and is best sited in full sun to part shade in medium well drained soils. Plant more than one V. angustifolium for the best fruit production.
Use: Just your average super delicious blueberry!
Photos courtesy of Dan Wilder
Plants can be purchased in-person or online (with in-person pick-up).
All online orders will be ready for pick-up 24-72 hours after purchase. You will receive an email to let you know when your order is ready. We kindly ask that you pick-up any orders within one week of purchase.
Vaccinium angustifolium (Lowbush blueberry)
type: shrub sun needs: Sun to part shade water needs: Moist to average soil height: 6"-2' plant spacing: 1/sq ft bloom time: May, June bloom color: white edible parts: berries and flowers salt tolerant. Some salt exposure should not be fatal to the plant but some leaf burning may still occur. deer resistant (please note that does not mean deer proof) Great fall leaf color Can grow in a container
Can handle roadside conditions
Supports at-risk inscts:
Host plant for:
Waxed Sallow Moth (Chaetaglaea cerata)
Chain-dotted Geometer (Cingilia catenaria)
Scrub Euchlaena (Euchlaena madusaria)
Slender Clearwing Sphinx Moth (Hemaris gracilis)
Heath Metarranthis (Metarranthis pilosaria)
Pink Sallow Moth (Psectraglaea carnosa)
Nectar source for Bombus terricola (yellow-banded bumblebee) and
Bombus vagans (half-black bumblebee).
Plant this for hummingbirds