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Lobelia cardinalis

Cardinal flower


If you love seeing hummingbirds float around flowers and feeders, you should have Lobelia cardinalis at the top of your must-have list. Named “Cardinal Flower” for the vibrant red blossoms, this showy perennial stands out.


The long, tubular blossom shape makes it a favorite of hummingbirds, and the flower is dependent on them for pollination. While L. cardinalis prefers moist to wet soils, it can grow in areas that tend more to dry, although it isn’t the ideal location and you won't see the full potential of this plant.


The best option would be along the edge of a woodland garden, where bright colors aren’t always typical, and the tall spikes would stand out from all the green.


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Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal flower)

coming soon
  • type: herbaceous perennial
    sun needs: full sun, part sun/part shade
    water needs: Moist, wet, or average soil
    height: 3'-6'
    plant spacing: 2 plants per square foot
    bloom time: July, August, September
    bloom color: red

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